Key Stage 3
A chord, in music, is any harmonic set of pitches consisting of two or more usually three or more notes also called pitches that are heard as if sounding. Key Stage 3 EnglishA bingo activity using bingo cards downloaded from here Right click on this link and select Save Target As. Then print the pdf bingo cards. Sound groups taken from Playing With Sounds, e. Lower Jaw Expansion, Maxilla Advancement, Biobloc Stage 3 Claiming. Power. Yes expanding the lower jaw or mandible in Adults is not easy, but certainly some expansion is possible as below pictures show. This is results of 3 years of treatment to reverse the damage of extraction orthodontics, where I spend good half of that time in acrylic palate expanders. Below picture shows the expansion of my lower palate arch both laterally anteriorly. Expanded sideways and also forwards to regain the space for bicuspids. I got 4 bicuspid implants now, below shows how my palate has changed over the 3 years. Each bicuspid implant require 7 mm space, so we are talking pretty significant changes to regain all 4 spaces in the arch. The front teeth may appear to tip forwards, but they were tipped too far back before. The smile and lip support is so much better when the teeth is slightly tipped forwards, in the molds it may look too far out by visually they look fine actually and some of that may also balance out with proper lip seal over time. Lower Arch. Lower arch is challenging to expand because there is no suture down there like there is with the upper jaw, so it is mostly depositional bone growth, moving the teeth out little bit at a time and waiting for the bone to remodel underneath. We eventually got to the point where we simply couldnt move the teeth any further out. Like right at the edge of the gums almost. Its been a long while since I finished expanding the lower arch and still bone has not grown further out again, so in my opinion there may be limit to how much you can really expand the lower arch in adults. Perhaps something that applies that littlest of the forces, and it may take 5 1. If someone is diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease egfr 58, how many years can they expect to have their kidney function before a transplant or dialysis is needed Get the latest slate of new MTV Shows Jersey Shore, Teen Wolf, Teen Mom and reality TV classics such as Punkd and The Hills. Visit MTV. com to get the latest episodes. Darwen Aldridge Community Academy DACA is a secondary school and sixth form with academy status in the Blackburn with Darwen borough of Lancashire, England. Wounded In The House Of My Friends Pdf. Other option is to surgically cut the front part of the jaw and create a suture. Well I expanded as much as I could and as much as needed to get the bicuspids back, so I moved on to the next phase. Im not trying to wait 1. Interestingly, I expanded the upper palate much further than the lower palate. You would think both palate need to be expanded equally or it would mess up the bite, right Thats what I first thought as well, but Dr. Gibbs knew better. As we expand the upper palate further out, the lower jaw was able to slide forwards, which means it doesnt have to expand as much as the upper because as it slides forwards, the posterior wider portion comes forwards to meet the top teeth. So there were phases where the lower teeth and upper teeth didnt really match at all, like the lower teeth would be partially biting into the acrylic appliance above, but overtime the bite naturally came together, as the jaw slid forwards and we continued to expand the lower more and the upper teeth that were slightly tipped outwards, began to upright properly. If you look at my ct scan above you will see just how solid of a bone the mandible is, and the bone remodeling by the teeth may not directly translate to expanding of the thick mandibular bone underneath, however I do believe that the muscle tone of the masseter muscle plays a large role in shaping that bone, and probably expanding the teeth will also help distribute biting forces differently on the bone which may contribute to widening of the jaw bone. Compared to my before pictures from 4 years back, my lower jaw looks wider, but part of that is caused by the fact that my lower jaw came forwards more. Also when I began chewing more gum I feel like I did notice bit of widening take place as well. Samsung Tool 12.2. Upper Arch. Once we expanded as much as possible, I got into self ligating bracket braces with coil springs to further create anterior expansion until we achieved 7 mm space for the bicuspids. Upper Palate Expansion Measurements. From around 3. 3 mm to 4. I had a narrow front arch so we used a hinge type of expansion device for about 8 months to get significant changes in the front palate. Key Stage 3 Maths Worksheets' title='Key Stage 3 Maths Worksheets' />Key Stage 3 History CurriculumSo really the front of the mouth changed the most, after we got the front arch wide, I had Dr. Gibbs modify the appliance where we got rid of the hinge, added on acrylic and put the screw in the middle to get even more expansion on the entire palate. Also notice the flanges on the front of the appliance and the wires, those were adjusted by the doctor every month to provide forward expansion. There were few appointments where Dr thought we had enough expansion but I urged him to continue on, I was very aggressive in pushing for as much expansion as I could possibly get. My mouth posture at the time I didnt know much about Mewing back then. But Expansion was still very important step. The biggest positive benefit are as follows. No longer self conscious about narrow smileexpanding and allowing the teeth to come forwards, allowed the lower jaw to come forwards so it resolved the awful feeling of my lower jaw being too far back when talking opening mouth which was caused by the extraction orthodontics, and I remember taking a massive hit in social confidence from itchronic congestion in the left nostril resolved, I can breathe clearly through both nostrils and it is amazing, the dental assistants comments on how I became so much more calm relaxed as a result, I believe this is a result of my a change in my breathing pattern, from shallow to more deep diaphragm breaths, resulting in better balance of Oxygen CO2 in my lungs which has direct impact on the nervous system improved ability for blood to transport oxygen reference Buteyko MethodExpansion of my front arch gave me the lip support, significant difference in lip form, lips became more full. And I learned about the direct relation between having forward, full frontal arch to ability to smile talk comfortably and increase in social confidence. Perhaps most important of all Increase of Tongue Space in the upper palate. Yes I knew much less about this physical restructuring work back then 4 years ago, I just knew I had to do something about my small palate because it was driving me crazy, that no amount of positive thinking could fix. I finally got the bicuspid implants in December of 2. Yes my hunches were correct, regaining the 4 bicuspid definitely adds something to your smile that doesnt always translate to orthodontists simply looking at pictures of teeth alignment. The biggest thing it adds, in my opinion is the feeling of wide support you feel when you smile, it allows for a more relaxed and natural feeling when doing the half smile, you end up smiling more and that does something to your confidence. Versus before it felt so strained and awkward. I know now that it was because the canines were pulled back and I lost my frontal arch lip support. Some people talk about confidence as a completely an inner mindset thing, and I explored that route for years. Humans have the body, mind, emotion possibly spiritual aspects that make up who we are they are all inter connected, assault in one dimension can for sure affect others. Those that simply focus on mindset for self development may be missing a crucial piece and that is that if posture can effect your emotions, then of course your structure can also impact who you are. Take the most social alpha guy or gal with excellent forward developed jaws, and go extracting teeth from them and put them in retractive orthodontics and see what will happen to that personality in a few years time. Maybe those ignorant orthodontists still extracting teeth, should give this experiment a try.