Endgame Database
Endgame tablebase Wikipedia. A typical interface for querying a tablebase. An endgame tablebase is a computerized database that contains precalculated exhaustive analysis of chessendgame positions. It is typically used by a computer chess engine during play, or by a human or computer that is retrospectively analysing a game that has already been played. The tablebase contains the game theoretical value win, loss, or draw of each possible move in each possible position, and how many moves it would take to achieve that result with perfect play. Thus, the tablebase acts as an oracle, always providing the optimal moves. Typically the database records each possible position with certain pieces remaining on the board, and the best moves with White to move and with Black to move. Tablebases are generated by retrograde analysis, working backwards from a checkmated position. By 2. 00. 5, all chess positions with up to six pieces including the two kings had been solved. By August 2. 01. 2, tablebases had solved chess for every position with up to seven pieces the positions with a lone king versus a king and five pieces were omitted because they were considered to be rather obvious. The solutions have profoundly advanced the chess communitys understanding of endgame theory. Some positions which humans had analyzed as draws were proven to be winnable the tablebase analysis could find a mate in more than five hundred moves, far beyond the horizon of humans, and beyond the capability of a computer during play. For this reason, they have also called into question the 5. Spawn186Part2.jpg' alt='Endgame Database' title='Endgame Database' />Tablebases have enhanced competitive play and facilitated the composition of endgame studies. They provide a powerful analytical tool. While endgame tablebases for other board games like checkers,3chess variants4 or Nine Mens Morris5 exist, when a game is not specified, it is assumed to be chess. BackgroundeditPhysical limitations of computer hardware aside, in principle it is possible to solve any game under the condition that the complete state is known and there is no random chance. AYjwNl7RhS7KvbAICGEDbuD6.jpg' alt='Endgame Database' title='Endgame Database' />North Korea wants the security and prestige of nuclear weapons. It wont give them up. Dakota Guppy, Actress No Men Beyond This Point. Dakota Guppy is an actress, known for No Men Beyond This Point 2015, Sleigh Bells Ring 2016 and In My Dreams 2014. Still no ChessBase Account learn more 8 million games online Updated weekly, our definitive database has all the latest games. With Live Book and Lets Check This is the Solomon Grundy disambiguation page. Solomon Grundy is an immortal zombie. Boost your chess endgames with our free online interactive chess endgame simulator. Play against computer for tactics training. Strong solutions, i. Tic Tac ToeNoughts and crosses draw with perfect play and Connect Four first player wins. Weak solutions exist for somewhat more complex games, such as checkers with perfect play on both sides the game is known to be a draw, but it is not known for every position created by less than perfect play what the perfect next move would be. Other games, such as chess from the starting position and Go, have not been solved because their game complexity is too vast for computers to evaluate all possible positions. To reduce the game complexity, researchers have modified these complex games by reducing the size of the board, or the number of pieces, or both. Computer chess is one of the oldest domains of artificial intelligence, having begun in the early 1. The emergence of softwaredefined hardware has given rise to the phrase infrastructure as code to describe the way these environments are managed. Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Highlander Endgame ou Highlander 4 Le Dernier Affront au Qubec, est un film amricain ralis par. Chronology of the Union Carbide Corporation. September 1999 Dow Chemical to buy Union Carbide Click here for news from Dow Chemical Click here for news from Union. Practice your endgame technique Try to checkmate the computer with only two bishops in this interactive chess endgame trainer. Claude Shannon proposed formal criteria for evaluating chess moves in 1. In 1. 95. 1, Alan Turing designed a primitive chess playing program, which assigned values for material and mobility the program played chess based on Turings manual calculations. However, even as competent chess programs began to develop, they exhibited a glaring weakness in playing the endgame. Programmers added specific heuristics for the endgame for example, the king should move to the center of the board. However, a more comprehensive solution was needed. In 1. 96. 5, Richard Bellman proposed the creation of a database to solve chess and checkers endgames using retrograde analysis. Instead of analyzing forward from the position currently on the board, the database would analyze backward from positions where one player was checkmated or stalemated. Thus, a chess computer would no longer need to analyze endgame positions during the game because they were solved beforehand. It would no longer make mistakes because the tablebase always played the best possible move. In 1. 97. 0, Thomas Strhlein published a doctoral thesis1. KQK, KRK, KPK, KQKR, KRKB, and KRKN. In 1. 97. 7 Thompsons KQKR database was used in a match versus Grandmaster. Walter Browne. Ken Thompson and others helped extend tablebases to cover all four and five piece endgames, including in particular KBBKN, KQPKQ, and KRPKR. Lewis Stiller published a thesis with research on some six piece tablebase endgames in 1. More recent contributors have included the following people Eugene Nalimov, after whom the popular Nalimov tablebases are named Eiko Bleicher, who has adapted the tablebase concept to a program called Freezer see below Guy Haworth, an academic at the University of Reading, who has published extensively in the ICGA Journal and elsewhere Marc Bourzutschky and Yakov Konoval, who have collaborated to analyze endgames with seven pieces on the board Peter Karrer, who constructed a specialized seven piece tablebase KQPPKQP for the endgame of the Kasparov versus The World online match Vladimir Makhnychev and Victor Zakharov from Moscow State University, who completed 43 DTM tablebases 5. KPPPKPP in July 2. The tablebases are named Lomonosov tablebases. The next set of 52 DTM tablebases 3. KPPPPKP was completed during August 2. The high speed of generating the tablebases was because of using a supercomputer named Lomonosov top. The size of all tablebases up to seven man is about 1. TB. 1. 8The tablebases of all endgames with up to six pieces are available for free download, and may also be queried using web interfaces see the external links below. Nalimov tablebase requires more than one terabyte of storage space. Generating tablebaseseditMetrics Depth to conversion and depth to mateeditBefore creating a tablebase, a programmer must choose a metric of optimality in other words, he must define at what point a player has won the game. Every position can be defined by its distance i. Two metrics are generally used Depth to mate DTM. A checkmate is the only way to win a game. Depth to conversion DTC. The stronger side can also win by capturing material, thus converting to a simpler endgame. For example, in KQKR, conversion occurs when White captures the Black rook. Haworth has discussed two other metrics, namely depth to zeroing move DTZ and depth by the rule DTR. A zeroing move is a move which resets the move count to zero under the fifty move rule, i. These metrics support the fifty move rule, but DTR tablebases have not yet been computed. As of April 1, 2. DTZ tablebases have been generated by Ronald de Man both tablebases and generation code are available for download. The difference between DTC and DTM can be understood by analyzing the diagram at right. How White should proceed depends on which metric is used. Metric. Play. DTCDTMDTC1. Qxd. 1 Kc. 8 2. Qd. Kb. 8 3. Qd. 81. DTM1. Qc. 7 Ka. 8 2. Qa. According to the DTC metric, White should capture the rook because that leads immediately to a position which will certainly win DTC 1, but it will take two more moves actually to checkmate DTM 3. In contrast according to the DTM metric, White mates in two moves, so DTM DTC 2. This difference is typical of many endgames. Usually DTC is smaller than DTM, but the DTM metric leads to the quickest checkmate. Exceptions occur where the weaker side has only a king, and in the unusual endgame of two knights versus one pawn then DTC DTM because either there is no defending material to capture or capturing the material does no good. Highlander Endgame Wikipdia Pour les articles homonymes, voir Endgame. Highlander Endgame ou Highlander 4 Le Dernier Affront au Qubec, est un film amricain ralis par Douglas Aarniokoski, sorti en 2. Cest le 4e film de la saga Highlander. En 1. 55. 5, Connor Mac. Leod retourne dans son village natal de Glenfinnan pour sauver sa mre. Kairosoft Pc Games English Download here. Mais Jacob Kell la juge et lexcute pour sorcellerie. Connor se venge en tuant Kell et son pre adoptif, le Pre Rainey. Cependant, Kell renat en immortel et entend bien venger la mort de Rainey en tuant Connor. Durant les sicles suivants, il tue tous les tres chers Connor. Duncan Mac. Leod, cousin de Connor avec lequel il partage une profonde amiti depuis le XVIIe sicle et leur rencontre sur un champ de bataille, est lui aussi immortel. En lan 2. 00. 0, Kell traque toujours Connor. Ayant tu plus de six cent immortels, Kell dtient un trs grand pouvoir qui lui permet daffronter Connor. Duncan Mac. Leod et Connor Mac. Leod vont devoir sunir pour affronter ce danger. Titre original et franais Highlander Endgame. Titre qubcois Highlander 4 Le Dernier Affront. Titres de travail Highlander 4 The Search for Connor, Highlander IV World Without End, Highlander A New Order1, Highlander World Without End2Ralisation Douglas Aarniokoski. Scnario Joel Soisson, daprs une histoire dEric Bernt, Gillian Horvath et William N. Panzer, daprs certains personnages crs par Gregory Widen. Dcors Ben Zeller. Costumes Wendy Partridge. Photographie Douglas Milsome. Montage Peter Honess. Musique Stephen Graziano et Nick Glennie Smith additionnelle Todd Wollon, Rob Cairns et Chris NeelProduction Peter S. Davis et William N. Panzer. Socits de production Davis Panzer Productions et Dimension Films. Socits de distribution Miramax Monde, Dimension Films tats Unis, BAC Films FranceBudget estim entre 1. Pays dorigine tats Unis. Langue originale anglais, franais, galique cossais. Format 2,3. 5 1. Cinema. Scope, son DTS, Couleur5Genre fantastique, action, aventure. Dure 8. 7 minutes, 1. Norton Ghost 15 Booteable Cd Iso on this page. Langues de tournage anglais, avec quelques dialogues en franais et galique. Dates de sortie1 tats Unis 1erseptembre. France 2mai. 20. Le scnario a considrablement volu au cours de la prproduction le personnage de Kate sappelait Alexis, la plupart des flashbacks avaient lieu Shanghai et non en Irlande, Paris tait le lieu original de la maison de Methos et pas Londres, Duncan Mac. Leod vivait sur sa pniche parisienne et Hugh Fitzcairn apparaissait durant un flasback Shanghai2. Gregory Widen, scnariste original du premier film, participe llaboration finale du script. Le poste de ralisateur lui est mme propos2. Cest finalement le dbutant Douglas Aarniokoski qui est choisi. Ce dernier dclare propos du film Lhistoire ne demande pas davoir vu le film prcdent ni la srie tlvise, nimporte qui peut rentrer directement dans le film. Ce film montre Connor et Duncan Mac. Leod de manire totalement diffrente. Ils ont lev leurs dons de combattants une absolue perfection. Les innombrables fans de Highlander y dcouvriront des choses quils navaient jamais vues avant6. Christophe Lambert apprcie quant lui le retour aux sources du film Cest probablement lhistoire qui se rapproche le plus des sources du premier film. Highlander Endgame revient sur le ct romantique de lhistoire avec un regard lyrique sur la douleur de ltre immortel et la ncessit de gagner le combat ultime6. Le film runit pour la premire fois au cinma Adrian Paul Duncan Mac. Leod, hros de la srie tlvise et Christophe Lambert hros du premier film Connor Mac. Leod. Bien que cela soit la premire apparition ensemble, dans les salles obscures, ceux ci taient runis dans le premier pisode de la srie tlvise Highlander, o Adrian Paul tenait le rle principal. LImmortelle, mais la seconde a t arrte prmaturment2. Avec 1. 6 millions de, le budget est similaire celui du premier film3. Cest le dernier film de lactrice Sheila Gish, qui interprte Rachel Ellenstein dans ce volet ainsi que dans le premier film. Elle est dcde le 9mars. Juliet Landau et Lucy Lawless ont t envisages pour le rle de KateFaith, alors que Billy Idol, David Bowie et Jean Claude Van Damme lont t pour celui de Jacob Kell2. Le tournage a lieu du 2. La plupart des scnes sont tournes en Roumanie, Bucarest et dans ses environs. Mais plusieurs scnes ont t tournes au Muse dhistoire naturelle et au Dme du Millnaire Londres6. Comme le 1er et le 3e film de la saga, Highlander Endgame est galement tourn en cosse Argyll and Bute, le chteau de Stalker, Loch Linnhe. New York7. Highlander Endgame. Music From The Dimension Motion Picturemodifier. La musique du film est compose par Stephen Graziano et Nick Glennie Smith9. Liste des titres. Bonny Portmore traditionnel 3 4. Opening Titles 1. Motorcycle Gang Fight 4 4. Driving to Loft Getting Duncan Ride to the Grave 2 3. Say Goodbye to Kate Last Supper Slash 3 3. Heather Cuts Her Hair 1 0. There Can Only Be One Killing Kell 6 5. Prelude The Song of the Pooka traditionnel 3 3. The Legend of the Immortals 1. Connor and Duncan Fight Together 1 1. Duncan Visits the Loft 0 4. The Hidden Room 0 5. Attack at the Loft 6 0. Killing an Old Friend 2 1. In Memory of Connor compos par Chris Neel 3 5. Dans la version cinma, Methos fait rfrence au Sanctuaire, le lieu des immortels. De nombreux fans soffusqurent que Jacob Kell puisse tuer dans ce lieu sans quil y ait des consquences. Ces allusions sont alors supprimes de la version sortie en DVD2. Cependant, elles sont rintgres, ainsi que dautres scnes et effets spciaux remastriss, dans la version producers cut remonte par les producteurs, mcontents de la dure du film et de la structure narrative1. De nombreuses scnes sont rajoutes et certaines rallonges1. La critique de la presse na pas t tendre avec ce quatrime volet. Les nombreuses incohrences etou zones dombres avec les autres films, ainsi que des lments scnaristiques typiquement lis la srie ont galement valu au film de sattirer les foudres des fans de la saga. Il ne totalise que 1. Rotten Tomatoes, pour 5. Le film ralise 1. Unis et au Canada4. Il totalise 2. 43 4. France4. Le film dbute dans le top 1. Unis lors de sa premire semaine dexploitation, faisant de ce quatrime film le meilleur dmarrage de la franchise. Mais le film chuta trs fortement par la suite. Ce film nest pas une suite de la premire trilogie dans laquelle Connor Mac. Leod est le dernier des immortels. Il sagit en fait de la suite de la srie tlvise qui tait elle mme un reboot de la saga. Si premire vue, il ne sert donc rien de chercher une quelconque cohrence narrative et chronologique entre les quatre premiers films, la conclusion prend contre pied le spectateur. Duncan sest mari dans ce film, alors quil est dit dans la srie quil ne sest jamais mariDans ce quatrime volet, laction se droule en 2. Duncan dit alors avoir revu Connor il y a dix ans New York voir le flashback au dbut du film avant que ce dernier ne se retire au sanctuaire. Or, on sait quils se reverront en 1. Seacouver voir pisode pilote de la srie et que le troisime volet de la saga se droule en 1.